Trap Pinball

Trap Pinball 3.0

Image Trap Pinball 3.0
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  • Developer:

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  • OS:

    Windows ME

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "The pinball game to play with another player or by yourself"

Trap Pinball is a pinball game that turns your computer screen into one of those popular and addictive machines that were not missing before in any good bar or arcade.

The mechanics of the game is simple. Push the ball to start the game. Along the screen there are buttons that when they touch the ball will give it a boost and send it somewhere else. If it falls towards the bottom you will be able to avoid losing it by means of a few levers that you will have to activate in the opportune moment to return the ball upwards. As you touch the different key points you will add points.

This game allows you to play in two ways: get the maximum score in three minutes. To do this you will have as many balls as necessary or have a single ball but without any time limit and see how long you can hold it and what your maximum score.

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